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 In the Forest, Dark and Deep

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Branwen Greenrose

Branwen Greenrose

Posts : 16
Level : 5
Alignment : Neutral Good

Character Sheet
Class: Champion of the Wild Ranger
Prestige Class:
Player Name: Branwen Greenrose

In the Forest, Dark and Deep Empty
PostSubject: In the Forest, Dark and Deep   In the Forest, Dark and Deep I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 14, 2023 3:29 pm

I've always been the hunter, nothing on my tail

Branwen prowled along the branches of a tree, observing her surroundings for anything worthwhile. A slight breeze rustled the green leaves and she inhaled, breathing in that fresh, exhilarating air. She smiled and hopped from the branch she was on to the next closest one, careful not to lose her balance. There was something about the forest that was satisfying to her mind, comforted her like she was at home. The forest was where she belonged, regardless of what anyone else thought for or of her. Her green eyes scanned the forest again, catching sight of a squirrel rummaging through leaves. Overhead, a flock of birds cawed and in the distance a brook gurgled the music of running water.

Aldon stalked below her, keeping pace with her in spite of being a few dozen feet below her. He snorted, sniffing through the leaves and debris of the forest, as if tracking something down. His pelt, green and spotted, was barely noticeable against the forest floor; it'd take a keen eye to notice him. Branwen gave a soft whistle and motioned toward the squirrel once Aldon had noticed her. In response, he shook his body and crouched a little, moving ever slowly toward the squirrel before pouncing. The squirrel gave only a small squeak of surprise before it was forever silenced by the cooshee's teeth. She clicked her tongue in a positive praise to Aldon, then dropped down from the branches.

"Good boy, Aldon," Branwen cooed, patting him on the head and giving him a slight scratch under the chin. "Nothing like keeping up with your skills when there's nothing else to do, and better to keep them in tiptop shape." Her gaze flitted around the forest; she couldn't help but feel that something or someone was nearby. Branwen dropped her hand from Aldon's head and moved toward some brush, pushing through it. Nothing was on the other side, so she turned around and went a different direction, though it was the same result. She let out a soft sigh, agreeing with herself that perhaps she was just imagining things and it really was just Aldon and her. "You probably think I'm crazy," she spoke to her companion; however, Aldon responded only with a sniff to the air.
but there was something in you
Words;; 0311
Tags;; @Yazuki Yoshino
Notes go hurr

Lyrics;; "Become the Beast" by Karliene
Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.
I knew could make that change.
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