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 How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition)

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PostSubject: How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition)   How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2020 5:37 pm

If you are new to 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons, you might not know how to properly roll up a character then. Here is a simple, expanded tutorial on how to write up a character with the interactive DnD character sheet. Should you need any help, you are welcome to message one of the DMs on the site or on the Discord (Developer account is not an actual DM).
How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) D8xUXQZ

This is the basic information about your character; it's self explanatory, but if you need the explanations, here you go:

Character Name: Here is where you write down what you want to name your character. You can name your character whatever you'd like as long as it's appropriate (we're still a PG-13 site due to Forumotion's rules; let's try not to get the site reported).

Player Name: This is where you put your name. It does not have to be your real name unless you're comfortable doing so. You can put your online handle there instead if you would like to.

Class and Level: Your character's base class and/or prestige class is placed here along with what the current level of your character is, including ECL (effective character level) if your character is a special race.

Career Level: *Not shown on the picture but it is next to Class and Level on the interactive pdf. If you're character has a profession this is where it would go and what level you are in the profession.

Race: Self-explanatory. Your character's ethnicity/race is placed here.

Alignment: What your character's alignment is would go here (i.e. chaotic evil, lawful neutral, neutral, etc).

Deity: Self-explanatory. Who your character follows, if any, would be listed here (i.e. Tarin follows Shaar so Shaar would be listed in this spot).

Size: Is your character tiny, small, medium, huge? If so, this is the category you would place such information down in.

Age: Self-explanatory. Please try to keep to the age range of your race (information on age should be listed in the book your race comes from; if you can't find it, ask for help from a DM).

Gender: Self-explanatory once more. Is your character male or female?

Height: What is the height of your character? This is similar to the age of your character. Information regarding height for your race should be within the book your race comes from. If you can't find it, ask a DM for help.

Weight: Same as age and height. The information can be found in the book your race is in. Can't find it? Ask a DM for help.

Eyes: What are the color of your character's eyes? It's best to keep to the color commonly found in your race (i.e. a Drow wouldn't have brown eyes unless in its genetics).

Hair: What is the color of your character's hair? Try to keep within the color range of your race (i.e. an elf wouldn't have bright blue hair unless they found a way to dye it).

Skin: What is the color of your character's skin? Unless it's part of your character's genetics, try to keep it within the race's skin tone.
How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) QgMLoJ6

Ability Scores are the stats of your character and what we have you roll six times for in a set of three. Your stats reflect your class, so its best that you put your highest scores in the stats meant for your class (i.e a wizard's best stats are intelligence, dexterity, and constitution). But you don't have to if you don't want to. Ability modifiers are determined by subtracting 10 from your score and then dividing it by 2 (16 - 10 = 6/2 = 3, so your modifier would be 3).
How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) QTuZbDg

Saving Throws can be found in the table for the class you chose and provides you what your base save would be, after that, you just add the corresponding stat to it to get your total saving throw.

Fortitude: A fortitude saving throw determines how well you're able to defend against an attack on your body (i.e. poisoning, disease, etc). This is the base save of your class + your constitution modifier.

Reflex: A reflex saving throw tests how well you're able to dodge an area of effect attack (i.e. a spell). Reflex is your base save of your class + your dexterity modifier.

Will: A will saving throw reflects your capacity of being able to fend off mental effects. Your will save is your base save of your class + your wisdom modifier.

Base Attack Bonus: Information regarding your base attack bonus can be found in the table of your class.

Grapple: Grappling means to wrestle and struggle in hand-to-hand combat. This is your base attack bonus + your strength modifier, including any size modifier and miscellaneous modifiers.
How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) KZh4Xuy

Hit Points: Also known as HP, is how much health that your character has. This is calculate based on your character's hit dice roll + your con modifier. Generally, the DM's on here allow for the first five levels to be max hit dice + your con modifier.

AC: Known as Armor Class, this is how hard it is to hit your character. Armor class is 10 + any armor bonus from armor + an shield bonus from any shield you have + dex modifier. Size modifiers, natural armor, and any miscellaneous modifiers are also calculated in if given.

Speed: How far your character can move on a grid map.

Damage Reduction: How much damage is reduced for you. You usually only have Damage Reduction if a spell or item gives it to you or if your race does by default.
How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) E97ixUG

Touch: This is how hard it is for someone to hit you when disregarding armor. The Touch Armor Class is simply the Armor Class that does not include any armor, shield, or natural armor bonuses.

Flat-Footed: When you haven't yet acted during combat, you are considered flat-footed to opponents. Being Flat-Footed means you lose your dexterity bonus to your AC and you cannot make attacks of opportunity.

How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) URdwmAC

Skills represent a variety of abilities that your character is able to do. Each class has skills that are designed for them and are skills they are best at. However, this does not mean you have to take those skills if you don't want to. And, as you advance in levels, your character will gradually become better at their select skills. Characters typically start out with either 2, 4, 6, or 8 skill points to put into skills that you want for them. Max skill ranks increase by one per level and the amount of points you get per level is determined by your class.
How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) QLlUpR5

This is the section where all of your weapons must be listed that you know you are going to use in combat. Any information regarding the type of weapon you have (such as weight, spell failure, damage, etc) can be found in the PHB (Player's Handbook 3.5v).
All provided images are not exact to the Interactive PDF. Please disregard anything in the pictures that is not on the Interactive file. I couldn't find an exact replica of it.

Last edited by Developer on Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 100
Level : All
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Alignment : Neutral

Character Sheet
Class: Coder
Prestige Class: Creator
Player Name: Unknown

How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition)   How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2020 7:58 pm

How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) ZUcUbru

Campaign: This is where you would put what campaign your character is in if they are in one. If your character is currently not in a campaign, then you can disregard this section.

Experience Points: Here is where you would put down how much experience points you have earned from combat/roleplay, as well as the amount of experience needed for the next level.

Gear: In this section is where you put down any armor, shield, and protective items that you have collected throughout your characters's journey. Information regarding any armor/shield or items can be found in the PHB (Player's Handbook 3.5v).

Other Possessions: This section is where you can put down any items that are not gear for your character. Information regarding the items can be found in the PHB unless made up by the DM.

Money: Self-explanatory. You can keep track of the amount of money you have here.
How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) 6iVGEPa

These are special abilities that you get at first level and every three levels there after (3rd, 6th, 9th, etc). If you need help picking out feats, please contact one of the DMs. As a player, I (Marshy), at least put my bonus/extra feats in this section.
How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) 0xH9iQX

Special Abilities is usually where I (Marshy) place the feats I get from my class and any abilities that my race gives me. It's a longer list, which makes sense for things like those to go there versus bonus feats.
How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) BeLwQeT

Self-explanatory! This is where you list any and all languages that your character knows. How many languages you know is based on your intelligence modifier. For each point of intelligence modifier, you get 1 bonus language (i.e. a character with an intelligence modifier of 5 can know up to five bonus languages on top of their automatic languages).
How To Create A Character (3.5 Edition) ZBZIXU9

This whole section is dedicated to spells for druids, clerics, wizards, and the like. You can put down your spells for the day in the long list above. Below you put down what the DC of your spells' saving throw is, the percentage failure of arcane spells, and all spells you know, spells you get per day, their DC save for that level, and any bonus spells. The amount of bonus spells you can get per level is based on your intelligence modifier. Information regarding the spells you know and how many you get per day can be found in the table of your class.
All provided images are not exact to the Interactive PDF. Please disregard anything in the pictures that is not on the Interactive file. I couldn't find an exact replica of it.
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