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Forgotten Marches
Welcome to Dungeons and Dragons! This is a site for those that are not able to sit at the table with us, but would love to roleplay with us. On here, we roleplay 3.5, but don't be afraid to join us even if you don't know how to roleplay this edition. We have several Dungeon Masters on here willing to help you learn!
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 No One Ever Told Me Grief Felt So Like Fear

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Vashd the Reaper

Vashd the Reaper

Posts : 33
Level : 18
Alignment : NE

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Class: Fighter
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Player Name: Yazuki Yoshino

No One Ever Told Me Grief Felt So Like Fear - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: No One Ever Told Me Grief Felt So Like Fear   No One Ever Told Me Grief Felt So Like Fear - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2020 6:32 pm

Vashd watched and listened as Maris went through his own mind, picking things apart. His answer by the end, however, suited him well. He slowly pulled his clothes on lost in thought. Maris seemed like he could handle it, but he was more hopeful that he didn't break the poor elf. as he finished putting on his boots, he looked over at the elf with a sly grin. "Sounds good to me, but one request: When the time comes, I will need you with me. Sound fair?"

He picked up the rest of his belongings throwing them into his portable hole. "Go to your room and pack. We will leave within the hour. Be prepared to stop by so we can visit our blue dragon friend for a little reward. Who knows, we might be able to see if they are willing to give us a ride. I am sure the elders will go nuts..."
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Maris Chall

Maris Chall

Posts : 34
Level : 17
Alignment : Lawful Evil

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Class: Monk
Prestige Class: Drunken Master
Player Name: Marshy

No One Ever Told Me Grief Felt So Like Fear - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: No One Ever Told Me Grief Felt So Like Fear   No One Ever Told Me Grief Felt So Like Fear - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2020 6:41 pm

Pulled out of his own thoughts, Maris glanced back at Vashd when he made a request. "Someone of your caliber really doesn't need someone like me," he pointed out. He wasn't going to deny the man his request, especially since this was an opportunity to learn and venture. That was what moon elves were all about anyway, wasn't it? Venturing was the best part of his life. This allowed him to learn new things and adapt his own life to what he wanted it to be. "I will stay by your side then. You have done me a favor, so I will return that favor as well. Only when you do not need me will I leave your side; an elf's honor if you will."

Maris patted his pants, the pouch, and the flask that was also on his waist. "I am all packed and ready to go, and you are right, we should go visit her."

theme song

Tagged: @marshy

Marshy @ THQ
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